Sunday, September 5, 2010

Welcome to Christian Home Academy 2010/2011

The new school year has started, we are now in our 4th week of school, Praise God!  The summer seemed very short.  We are starting our year with 60 students and 1/3 of our students are first year students.  On behalf of all the staff and management at Christian Home Academy (CHA), we would like to welcome all of our new families and our returning families.  It is our primary desire that all that we do is pleasing to God and that He would bless our school and all the families associated with this ministry.  Our newsletter is new starting this year and we hope that everyone will make use of it to stay in tune with events and issues that effect the school and students.  Let us take this opportunity to welcome also the newest member of the CHA teaching staff, Mrs. Tammy Purvis.  Tammy will be teaching the high school students and this is the age group that she has been teaching for years and specifically requested when we hired her.  Welcome to CHA, Tammy!  I would like to point out that the calendar at the website is a good starting place for checking dates for important events like holidays and non school days.  We follow the Clay County School calendar for the most part but there are several places where we differ.  Please pay close attention to the calendar. Welcome to all and God bless CHA!

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