Thursday, March 10, 2011

Spring is on the way!

  • Christian Home Academy has been blessed in so many ways and we can see the Lord's hand at work througout our school. We have students making outstanding progress both academically and spiritually.  Our staff has been great and there are a few items I want to share with everyone:

  •     We held our first (of many) Parent Advisory Group meetings and it was a great time of fellowship and an opportunity for the school to hear ideas for improvement.  We believe in continuous improvement at the school and we received several very good suggestions to make Christian Home Academy a even better place for kids.  Some of the ideas involved things like :

            Improved student pick up procedure
            Instituting a mid term grade report with important details
            Starting the National Beta Club at CHA
            Beginning a sports program
            Getting parents more involved

  • We will be continuing the Parent Advisory Group meetings and inviting different parents to attend each time.  We believe that when a school stops looking for ways to improve, they stop improving.

  • We are excited about a new endeavor CHA is starting.  We will be adopting an impovershed school in Guatemala as a sister school and we will be communicating and supporting them on a long term basis.  Grandmaster (Tang Soo Do)  David Sgro will be coordinating our efforts as he is a full time missionary in Guatemala with primary emphasis on the poverty stricken and orphans.  Our sister school is in dire need of funds to help bring students (that otherwise could not even attend school) to get an education.  We believe that our students here at CHA will gain an understanding of service to others in need as well as learn to appreciate what a blesssing it is to attend a school like CHA.  It costs only $50.00 a year for a child to atend school in this area of Guatemala and even so, most children cannot atttend due to a lack of money.  The average family in Guatemala lives on less than $2.00 a day.  That is right, I said two dollars a day.  We will all be blessed to be a part of this mission.  "Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world." (James 1:27 NKJ).

  • Grandmaster Sgro will be arriving from Guatemala at CHA on April 7th and will be conduting our chapel services that day and presenting video and powerpoint presentations about our sister school and the new mission work we will be taking on.  We are honored to be able to be part of this and encourage our students and our students' families to help us in the fund raising effort.  The school will be matching dollar for dollar everything we raise from students, families, staff and friends in this effort.

  • We would like to thank everyone for their cards, letters and love as our family personally dealt with the loss of Lynne's sister Judy this past month.  We appreciate all the prayers.  One of the things that makes this a lot easier for Lynne is during her visit to her sister in New York this past October, Judy Ralston accepted the Lord Jesus as Lord of her life.  What a blessing!

  • This has been an especially difficult time as we also mourn the loss of the founder of Christian Home Academy, Judy Sperry.  Judy Sperry was a very godly woman and gave her all to establish this school and nurture the children for the first eight years of it's existance.  She has gone on to be with the Lord and our prayers go out to Mark (her husband) and Austin (her son).  May God bless both of you.

Easter break will start on Friday March 18th and we will return to school on March 28th.  We wish everyone a wonderful time with family and friends during this break.

  • We will be going on a school field day for grades 2 through 12 on April 15th at the park.  We will be grilling outside and playing various sports activities and generally just having fun and fellowship.  Any parents interested in particiapting and helping on this trip will be welcome and appreciated.

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